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Probably, the fastest WW1 aircraft, the SPAD XIII was the cutting edge fighter of the French aviation at the end of the war.

Memorial Flight restored this original SPAD XIII a first time before it became airworthy in 1991. The second restoration took place in 2006/2007 and it is now painted as brigadier Henri Trémeau's aircraft.

R.A.F. Be2f

Created by the Royal Aircraft Factory, the Be2 has a singular design and a slow cruising speed. Even though it is not the most famous aircraft of the Royal Flying Corps, the Be2 was widely used by the British aviation.

Memorial Flight completed this reproduction which is equipped with a RAF 1a built to the original specs. The aircraft is finished as a night bomber with a fully working night light apparatus.




​This German two seater reconnaissance and artillery observation aircraft was built from 1918 until the end of the war by Luft Verkehrs Gesellschaft.

Memorial Flight is currently restoring the French Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace's original LVG C.VI, and took the opportunity to build an exact airworthy reproduction. This new-built LVG C.VI flies with an original Benz Bz.IV engine

Sopwith Strutter 1B2

Designed and created in Great Britain, the Sopwith Strutter was mainly built under licence by several manufacturers in France. It was widely used by French aviation, even quite late during the war, despite limited performance.

Memorial Flight restored this original French-built Strutter as a two seat bomber (1B2) and painted as a Sop 66 escadrille aircraft.

Fokker D.VII F

​The Fokker D.VII was considered the best German fighter of the war. Its legend was such, that it was specifically mentionned in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

This reproduction was built to the original specifications, and it is the only airworthy D.VII finished as the high altitude version (D.VII F) equipped with the only running BMW IIIa engine in the world.

Heinkel 162


Although an "utopia" of the third Reich, the Volksjäger was in fact a unique and extraordinary airplane. Equipped with an ejection seat, it was the first single-jet fighter produced in series in 1945.

The Musée de l'Air's original aircraft n°120015 was restored by Memorial Flight to its original colours and configuration.


Voisin 10 Ca2

The Voisin 10 began in early 1918 to replace the Type 8 . Equipped with a Renault 280 hp engine, a small number of "cannon" versions were manufactured (Hotchkiss rapid-fire 37mm cannon).

Memorial Flight restored this Voisin 10 Ca2 fuselage on behalf of the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace. It is the last surviving Voisin 10. An extensive study made it possible to determine that the plane flew among the V110 escadrille and was therefore been painted in the colors of this unit.

R.A.F. S.E.5a


The S.E.5 / S.E.5a, competes with the Sopwith Camel for the title of England's finest WW1 fighter. The plane, of rather modern design for the time, was equipped with a 200hp Hispano-Suiza / Wolseley engine in its S.E.5a version.

Memorial Flight completed the construction of a project started in England. The aircraft was flown and is painted as the aircraft of Canadian ace Lt. HJ "Hank" Burden of 56 Squadron : S.E.5a #C1096 "Maybe".


Breguet Br19 TF "Point d'Interrogation"

In the 1920s, the Bréguet XIX (Br19) succeeded the Bréguet 14 as a long-range bomber and reconnaissance aircraft . The specific Br19 TF "Super Bidon" version was designed in 1929 for the transatlantic raid that Dieudonné Costes and Maurice Bellonte were going to carry out.

Memorial Flight undertook, from 1997 to 2002, the restoration of the Bréguet 19 Super Bidon "Point d'Interrogation" ("Question Mark) on behalf of the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace.

Blériot XI²


Famous for having made the first crossing of the Channel in 1909, the Blériot XI was derived for military use in a two-seater Blériot XI² version, originally intended for battlefield observation .

Started by the German branch of the association and based on a few drawings and an unrestored aircraft in the collections of the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, this reproduction first flew in the colors of the French BL3 escadrille between 2000 and 2004. In 2005, after an overhaul in our workshop, it was painted in Italian colors, as an aircraft of I Squadriglia.


Fokker Dr. I

Made famous by Baron Manfred von Richtoven, the greatest ace of WW1, only 320 Fokker Dr.I were built. The type only served in front-line units from late August 1917 to May 1918.

This reproduction, started in the 1980s by Eberhard Fritsch, was completed and made airworthy in 1991 by Memorial Flight, in the colors of Karl Bolle. From 1997 to 2002, the plane underwent a major overhaul and was then painted in the colors of Fokker Dr.I n° 489/17 (Wn 2215) which flew among Jasta 14 in 1918.

MD 311 Flamant

In late 1945, Marcel Bloch, now renamed Marcel Dassault, created the company Société des Avions Marcel Dassault. One of its first post-war projects was the MD 311 Flamant. The prototype first flew on March 29, 1948. The Flamants were in operational service in the French Armée de l'Air from 1951 to 1982.

The MD 311 #282 was the last Flamant in service in the Armée de l'Air and was given to Memorial Flight in 1987. It flew for the first time in 1989 and kept the markings of its last assignment at G.E. 316 in Toulouse. It stopped flying several years ago, and it is now in a well-deserved retirement, displayed in front of its manufacturing site at Dassault Aviation factory in Bordeaux-Mérignac.

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